- Areas of Practice
- Arbitration
- Litigation
- Industrial Risk
- Insurance law
- Distribution law
- Admissions
- Barreau de Paris
- Contact
Direct Phone:
+ 33 (0) 1 53 63 28 00 -
+ 33 (0)1 83 64 05 81 - a.malan@bmavocats.com
- Education
- Paris Bar Expert Certificate in International and European Law
- Doctorate (PhD) in International law (Paris 2, Assas)
- Master in Business Law (Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas)
- Master in Private International Law (Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas)
- CIArb Member
- Languages
- French
- English
- Russian
- Spanish

Alexandre MALAN
Attorney at the Paris Bar, Doctor of International law, Alexandre Malan holds two Master Degrees in Business Law and in International Law. He practices in Paris as a lawyer in consulting as well as in litigation and international arbitration, after several years of experience in well-known law firms (Ernst & Young, Lyon-Caen, Fabiani, Thiriez).
Both French and British, with strong family and professional links in the United Kingdom and South Africa, Alexandre Malan specializes in litigation and arbitration, distribution law, banking law, insurance and industrial risk. He also advises clients in their international contracts and patrimonial issues.
He gives lectures in International business litigation and arbitration at the University Paris XII and is the author of books and many articles on International law, distribution and insurance law. He is an author and contributor of the Reuters Practical Law, where he publishes commentaries on international contracts.
Alexandre Malan works for French and international clients, among others based in the United Kingdom, Northern and Southern Africa, Northern Europe and Russia.
Alexandre Malan is the Chair of the Paris Chapter of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb).
He speaks and works in four languages : French, English, Spanish and Russian.
International arbitration –
Representation of a French industrial paper manufacturing group in an international arbitration (ICC) in English against a Swedish company as part of a dispute concerning an international sale of goods.
Representation of a French group specialized in genetics in an international arbitration (VIAC) in English against a Ukrainian agricultural holding as part of a dispute concerning an international sale of animals.
Representation of a Baltic insurance company in an international (ad hoc) arbitration in Latvian against a French brokerage company as part of a dispute concerning an insurance brokerage contract.
Representation of a Libyan company in an international arbitration (ICC) in English against a French-American company as part of a dispute concerning the termination of a distribution contract of medical equipment.
Representation of a Baltic State in an (ad hoc) investment arbitration in English against a Swiss company in an investment dispute.
Representation of a Polish catering company concerning the breach of an international franchise agreement (ICC)
Representation of the liquidator of an African Bank in liquidation in an arbitration (ICC) against the former shareholders of the Bank. Representation of a group of German investors in an investment arbitration (ad hoc – UNCITRAL) against an African State in relation to the expropriation of their company.
Representation of a Kenyan national company in charge of airports in a construction arbitation against a consotrium of French companies in an a hoc arbitration (UNCITRAL).
Representation of a group of German shareholders against a State in Africa in the context of an investment claim in an ad hoc (UNCITRAL) arbitration based on an BIT.
Litigation before French Courts –
Representation of a Canadian mining company in a dispute relatig to the violation of trade secrets in the context of a dispute between shareholders.
Representation of a public airport company in Africa in connection with a firs-demand guarantee called in the context of a construction contract awarded to a French consortium.
Representation of a Russian State-owned satellite communications company in a litigation against a BVI company as part of the enforcement in France of an ad hoc arbitral award.
Representation of a Swiss bank in the recovery of assets by way of seizure of an aircraft.
Representation of a Russian company in the enforcement in France of an (ICC) award against a German automotive group.
Representation of a Danish food-processing group in a litigation against a Tunisian company concerning the breach of a distribution contract.
Representation of a French oil and gas storage company in a a litigation against a South African civil engineering company relating to civil works.
Representation of a European automotive subcontractor in a litigation against one of its suppliers concerning the breach of a supply contract.
Representation of a European air-conditioning equipment manufacturing group in a litigation against a distributor concerning the breach of a distribution contract.
Representation of a food-processing importer in a litigation against a laboratory specialized in food analysis.
Representation of a Baltic insurance company in a litigation against a French broker regarding the breach of a brokerage and claims management contract.
Representation of a French insurance company in a litigation against a property institutional group concerning an action for undue use of the majority powers in a SCI (French property investment company).
Representation of a Russian State-owned company in a litigation against two foreign companies regarding transfers of shares of a French satellite communications group.
Representation of a Danish pharmaceutical group in a litigation against an Algerian company concerning the breach of a distribution contract.
Representation of a Czech insurance company in a litigation against a French manufacturer regarding equipment sold in the Czech Republic.
Legal Counseling –
Regular advisor of a leading Baltic insurance company for all its operations in France (insurance contract law/nsurance regulation).
Regular advisor of Danish food industry leader in distribution and competition law.
Regular advisor of several American groups specialized in the aeronautic industry.
Regular advirsor of a Swedish air-conditioning equipment manufacturing group in contract law, distribution law, industrial cooperation.
Regular advisor of a Japanese group specialized in the trains and automotive industry.
Legal advice of a North African State for the privatization of its cement sector and the establishment of partnerships with foreign private groups.
PUBLICATIONS / ARTICLES (in French/English/Russian)
In English –
Commentary of « Introduction to Business Law in Russia », de Vladimir Orlov (Ashgate Publishing, 2011) Journal of Business Law, I, 2012, p. 85
The fight for independance : a review of recent decisions rendered by French Courts regarding independence of arbitrators” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, June 2012
Arbitration without consent in commercial arbitration : What the case Dallah v/ Pakistan tells us about evolution of French case law in arbitration” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2013.
Impartiality and independance of Arbitration Institutions in French case law: from goals to means Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2016
Overruling of courts precedents and State liabiliy in investment law, Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, October 2020.
Services Agreements, Supply of Goods, Reuters Practical Law, 2020.
Kepel Corporation c/ Qatar, Court of Appeal of Paris, 1 December 2020, commentary in International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Vol. 13, n°1, 2021, p. 140.
In French –
La concurrence des conventions internationales dans le droit des conflits de lois Presses Universitaires d’Aix Marseille, 2001, préf. B. Audit.
Le statut des représentants des collectivités dans les sociétés d’économie mixte locales Gazette de Communes, 2001, p. 66.
L’application d’office de la règle de conflit de lois conduisant au droit conventionnel unifié Petites Affiches, 8 février 2002
La langue de la signification des actes judiciaires ou les incertitudes du Règlement du 29 mai 2000 Petites Affiches, 17 avril 2003
Comment éviter les pièges du contentieux en matière d’assurances sur facultés Journal de la Marine Marchande, 2004, p. 28.
L’avenir de la convention de Berne dans les rapports intracommunautaires Revue Internationale du Droit d’Auteur, 2/2004
L’extension du champ d’application d’une convention de droit unifié par la convention des parties Journal du Doit International, 2/2004
La transmission des clauses d’arbitrage : vers un alignement du droit maritime sur le droit commun Petites Affiches, 2006, n° 168, p. 4
MDP, MOC : une plus value pour les projets industriels à l’international Energie plus, 15 février 2006
Le rayonnement de la clause compromissoire et de la clause attributive de juridiction dans les contrats de transport maritime Le Droit Maritime Français, 2006/1, p. 3
La Cour de cassation se prononce sur la transmission de la clause d’arbitrage dans les chaînes hétérogènes de contrats Petites Affiches, 2007, n° 160, p. 23
Quelle compétence et quelle loi applicable dans l’affaire eBay c. LVMH ? Petites Affiches, 2008, n° 220, p. 3
La négociation des contrats internationaux en Russie : quelques notions essentielles Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales, 2009, p.1
L’introuvable critère du contrôle de l’ordre public par le juge de l’exequatur des sentences arbitrales (ou les suites de l’arrêt Thalès) Petites Affiches, 2009, n° 63, p. 8
Le champ d’application dans l’espace des dispositions de la LME sur les pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Quelques observations sur une position récente de la DGCCRF Contrats, Concurrence, Consommation, Mars 2010, p. 7
La reconnaissance des sentences arbitrales annulées dans leur pays d’origine en droit français Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta, Juin 2010, n°14, p. 14 (article en Russe ; coauteur : M. Sokolova)
L’abus dans la fixation du prix au sein du dispositif de négociation annuelle des prix fixé par l’article L.441-6 du Code de Commerce (CA Paris, 17 janvier 2013) Veille publiée par Belot Malan & Associés
L’appréciation par les tribunaux français de l’indépendance des arbitres » Le Juge et l’arbitrage (coauteur, sous la dir. De S. Bostanji, F. Horchani, S. Manciaux), Ed. Pédone, 2014, p. 169.
In Russian –
Проверка судебных постановлений в гражданском процессе (российский и зарубежный опыт): Учебное пособие ИСТИНА, 2018 (Авторы: Борисова Е.А., Ерво Л., Гиллес П., Ермакова Е.П., Крымский Д.И., Кудрявцева Е.В., Люпой М., Малан А., Нюланд А., Ситкарева Е.В., Фрауенбергер-Пфайлер У., Янковский Я.)
Неожиданный аспект дела ЮКОСа: статус федеральных государственных унитарных предприятий Российской Федерации в судах Французской Республики (Малан А.) (“Российская хроника Европейского Суда”, 2019, N 4)
- In English ---
- Commentary of « Introduction to Business Law in Russia » Vladimir Orlov (Ashgate Publishing, 2011), Journal of Business Law, I, 2012, p. 85
- The fight for independance : a review of recent decisions rendered by French Courts regarding independence of arbitrators” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, June 2012
- Arbitration without consent in commercial arbitration : What the case Dallah v/ Pakistan tells us about evolution of French case law in arbitration” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2013
- Impartiality and independance of Arbitration Institutions in French case law: from goals to means Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2016
- In French ---
- La concurrence des conventions internationales dans le droit des conflits de lois Presses Universitaires d’Aix Marseille, 2001, préf. B. Audit.
- Le statut des représentants des collectivités dans les sociétés d’économie mixte locales Gazette de Communes, 2001, p. 66.
- L’application d’office de la règle de conflit de lois conduisant au droit conventionnel unifié Petites Affiches, 8 février 2002
- La langue de la signification des actes judiciaires ou les incertitudes du Règlement du 29 mai 2000 Petites Affiches, 17 avril 2003
- Comment éviter les pièges du contentieux en matière d’assurances sur facultés Journal de la Marine Marchande, 2004, p. 28.
- L’avenir de la convention de Berne dans les rapports intracommunautaires Revue Internationale du Droit d’Auteur, 2/2004
- L’extension du champ d’application d’une convention de droit unifié par la convention des parties Journal du Doit International, 2/2004
- La transmission des clauses d’arbitrage : vers un alignement du droit maritime sur le droit commun Petites Affiches, 2006, n° 168, p. 4
- MDP, MOC : une plus value pour les projets industriels à l’international Energie plus, 15 février 2006
- Le rayonnement de la clause compromissoire et de la clause attributive de juridiction dans les contrats de transport maritime Le Droit Maritime Français, 2006/1, p. 3
- La Cour de cassation se prononce sur la transmission de la clause d’arbitrage dans les chaînes hétérogènes de contrats Petites Affiches, 2007, n° 160, p. 23
- Quelle compétence et quelle loi applicable dans l’affaire eBay c. LVMH ? Petites Affiches, 2008, n° 220, p. 3
- La négociation des contrats internationaux en Russie : quelques notions essentielles Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales, 2009, p.1
- L’introuvable critère du contrôle de l’ordre public par le juge de l’exequatur des sentences arbitrales (ou les suites de l’arrêt Thalès) Petites Affiches, 2009, n° 63, p. 8
- Le champ d’application dans l’espace des dispositions de la LME sur les pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Quelques observations sur une position récente de la DGCCRF Contrats, Concurrence, Consommation, Mars 2010, p. 7
- La reconnaissance des sentences arbitrales annulées dans leur pays d’origine en droit français Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta, Juin 2010, n°14, p. 14 (article en Russe ; coauteur : M. Sokolova)
- Commentaire de « Introduction to Business Law in Russia », de Vladimir Orlov (Ashgate Publishing, 2011) Journal of Business Law, I, 2012, p. 85
- The fight for independance : a review of recent decisions rendered by French Courts regarding independence of arbitrators” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, June 2012
- Arbitration without consent in commercial arbitration : What the case Dallah v/ Pakistan tells us about evolution of French case law in arbitration” Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2013.
- L’abus dans la fixation du prix au sein du dispositif de négociation annuelle des prix fixé par l’article L.441-6 du Code de Commerce (CA Paris, 17 janvier 2013) Veille publiée par Belot Malan & Associés
- L’appréciation par les tribunaux français de l’indépendance des arbitres » Le Juge et l’arbitrage (coauteur, sous la dir. De S. Bostanji, F. Horchani, S. Manciaux), Ed. Pédone, 2014, p. 169.
- Impartiality and independance of Arbitration Institutions in French case law: from goals to means Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, February 2016
- In Russian ---
- « La reconnaissance des sentences arbitrales annulées dans leur pays d’origine en droit français » Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta, Juin 2010, n°14, p. 14 (article en Russe ; coauteur : M. Sokolova)
- Проверка судебных постановлений в гражданском процессе (российский и зарубежный опыт): Учебное пособие / Под ред. проф. Е.А. Борисовой. М.: Издательский дом «Городец», 2018 ИСТИНА 2018 (Авторы: Борисова Е.А., Ерво Л., Гиллес П., Ермакова Е.П., Крымский Д.И., Кудрявцева Е.В., Люпой М., Малан А., Нюланд А., Ситкарева Е.В., Фрауенбергер-Пфайлер У., Янковский Я. )
- Kepel Corporation c/ Qatar, Court of Appeal of Paris 1 December 2020, commentary in International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Vol. 13, n°1, 2021, p. 140